Monday January 18th, 2016
India is one of the most intense and difficult to understand countries I have ever visited. Yes, it is colourful, magical, and spiritual and yes, it is unjust, confronting and harsh. Although I could easily see why India became one of the most favourite countries to travel to, it is also easy to see why traveling around India is totally different experience to living in India. The moment you dare to do a little more exploring then the typical touristy interest might go, you quickly understand how challenging place to live India is.
Let’s be honest, it is not always visually, emotionally and aromatically enjoyable. From western point of view it is often heartless and unjust and looks like all those colours and vividness are only to ease the pain of existence for many people. On the other hand you see welcoming, helpful and smiling faces all around, people who every single day fight all the odds in their life. And maybe the journey of discovering and learning this different life perspective takes you on such an unpredictable ride, questioning most things you believed in, that this journey itself becomes the ultimate reason which keeps everybody coming back to India.
After all, It Will Be Alright in the End. If It’s Not Alright, It’s Not the End.
Words and photography by Renata Blonska
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