PHILIPPINES – Lights, Shadows and all that noise
Wednesday December 9th, 2015
When I think of Philippines, the first thing which comes to my mind is a beautiful woman who stopped caring of herself and forgot long time ago how beautiful and kind she used to be. There are surly wonders of nature in Philippines that can take your breath away, lots of European, mostly Spanish influence what is uncommon for Asia and should make this country unique and interesting place to visit, also remarkable architecture including beautiful old churches (Philippines is the only Asian country where Catholicism is main religion). Amongst of all the beauty and uniqueness however, there is striking poverty in each and every corner, overwhelming amount of homeless children, sick people on the streets, mistreated animals, neglected buildings and that constant feeling ever-present chaos and mess in majority of the places.
Pilipino are one of the friendliest people I met during my travels, no doubt about it, there is also no language barrier as majority of population speaks English but despite this, a tourist must be aware that in Philippines nothing happens on time or as it has been planned, you simply have to let it go, otherwise you will spend your trip in constant frustration.
And yes, your “foreign looking face” is your price tag; your appearance straight away costs you double if not triple in absolutely everything.
I was very excited about visiting Philippines. My imagination based mostly on colourful tourist brochures must have misled me hugely and as the result my expectations were probably too high.
True, there are stunning beaches in Philippines, but so they are in many other countries, there are tropical islands but again, so they are in many other countries… people are nice and welcoming but so they are in majority of the globe, what I expected was that uniqueness of the cultural mixture in Philippines and what I got was overpriced chaos and negligence surrendered by poverty.
The true is, I really wanted to fall in love with Philippines but I didn’t.
Will I give it one more try? I doubt it, but then again…, never say never.
Words by Renata Blonska, Photographs by Jack Donda and Renata BlonskaLeave a comment