
NEPAL – where life is simply simple.
Nepal may not be the typical holiday destination. It can be challenging and confronting, demanding and frustrating, but it is certainly fascinating and unique. Life in Nepal is simply simple. There are no five star resorts, endless white beaches and palm trees, not much city entertainment, neither fancy restaurants. In fact you have to be careful what you eat and what you drink, how you drive and where you go. Some will even say that if you don’t do trekking there is not much else to do in Nepal. Well, I will try to prove them wrong....
Sunday July 6th, 2014 More » Comments: 7
Italy has that incredible capability of taking you back in time the moment you open door and step outside. Couple of weeks ago spent few days in Liguria, Italian Riviera, the region between the south of France and Tuscany. Often overlooked but worth visiting, especially if you like wandering the narrow streets, eating local food, drinking unsophisticated wine and mingling with locals over their morning espresso in amazing scenery of costal located fishing villages, not to mention Genoa itself. Here are few photos of this region.
Saturday July 5th, 2014 More » Comments: 0
TASMANIA – where devil says good night
When visiting Australia majority of overseas tourists visit Great Barrier Reef, Uluru, Sydney, Kakadu or Great Ocean Road but what about Tasmania …? An Island in the size of Ireland, also known as ‘Apple Isle’, for overseas visitors, mostly famous for being the only place where a Tasmanian devil is visible in the wild, has so much to offer. More than 3000 kms of coastline, the clearest air in the world, lakes, incredible Cradle Mountain and deliciously fresh food. In fact, Tasmania is the only destination in Australia to make Lonely Planet Top...
Monday May 26th, 2014 More » Comments: 4
MADE IN CHINA – CUANDIXIA , the Village to step back in time
Hidden around the hills there it is, the forgotten land called Cuandixia. Driving northwest from Beijing, towards Mongolian border in the Jingxi mountain you can find this place frozen in time. Cuandixia, founded during the Ming Dynasty, is a classic feng shui walled village, designed to keep out wandering spirits. The village is one of the last stops on the ancient silk road into Beijing. With it’s network of stone paved stairways, courtyard homes layer up the side of the mountain linked one with another, each with traditional outside stove, this little place creates imaginary atmosphere. Cuandixia is one of those...
Sunday March 23rd, 2014 More » Comments: 3
MACAU (Macao) – Portuguese and Chinese mixture
Macau is recognized by many for its casinos, being often called Far East Las Vegas however what really makes this place remarkable, is the fusion of Chinese and Portuguese culture. Large portion of Macau is classified as a World Heritage site and there are indeed many spectacular spots to be visited. My favorite are the narrow Portuguese streets with hidden cafes and little shops. Photographs and words by Renata Blonska
Thursday November 14th, 2013 More » Comments: 5
FALLING IN LOVE WITH FALL – Southern Highlands
Autumn – the Grande Finale of each summer. Fall is the time I just fall into – my favourite season of the year. The time when most of globe enters into Spring season, here in Australia, we are saying goodbye to Summer, and what a spectacular farewell it is… Here are few shots of the Fall season in Southern Highlands, NSW Australia.
Thursday November 7th, 2013 More » Comments: 4